Ariel Heryanto is Herb Feith Professor for the Study of Indonesia, and Director of Monash Herb Feith Indonesian Engagement Centre. He is also affiliated Anthropology at the School of Social Sciences.
Ariel’s long-standing contribution to the international scholarly community has been distributed in three broad and related areas: (i) the everyday politics of identity; (ii) trans-regional collaborations for building a post-Cold War Asian studies; and (iii) a search for innovative dialogues between area studies and the “new humanities”, particularly cultural studies, media studies, and postcolonial studies. While Indonesia is the country he knows best, he is keen on comparative studies across Asia and beyond.
He is the author of Identity and Pleasure; the politics of Indonesian screen culture, Singapore: NUS Press (2014); State Terrorism and Political Identity in Indonesia: Fatally Belonging, London: Routledge (2007), editor of Popular Culture in Indonesia: Fluid Identities in Post-Authoritarian Politics, London & New York: Routledge (2008. His current research investigates Indonesia’s postcoloniality. Hundreds of his published writings, in English and Indonesian, are available for download, click here.