Professor M Akbar Rhamdhani obtained his PhD from McMaster University Canada in Materials Science and Engineering. He has been a teaching-research academic at Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and the University of Queensland, before joining Swinburne in the Dept of Mechanical and Product Design Engineering. Akbar was a Visiting Professor at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium and currently an Adjunct Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia.

Akbar’s research focuses on advanced metal/material refining and impurities removal (e.g. in steel, aluminium, magnesium, silicon, nickel, and minerals); development of new processes for metal production; thermodynamics and kinetics of high temperature metal and chemical processes; and physical chemistry of interface. Akbar’s recent research projects include: Thermodynamic behaviour of valuable trace elements during e-waste processing in copper smelting; Oxidation behaviour of rare-earth elements in permanent magnet scrap; Electrically enhanced silicon refining; Development of novel high temperature aluminium production process; Impurities control in electronic conductor grade aluminium; Removal of impurities from Titanium ore.

Akbar has been working (conducting joint research, delivering courses and workshops) with metals industries in Europe, Australia and Indonesia. He is an author/co-author of more than 190 publications (book chapters, journal papers, conference papers, conference proceedings). Recently, Akbar and research teams have been awarded a number of international award including the 2019 Kent D Peaslee Award by AIST the 2015 Mann Redmayne Medal by IOM3 United Kingdom, the 2015 Marcus Grossmann Medal by ASM International USA, and the 2015 MetSoc Award by Metallurgical Society of Canada. Also recently, Akbar was awarded a World Class Professor 2018 from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia. 

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